Tuesday 14 April 2020

SARS-CoV-2 and the resulting COVID-19

welcome back

The lockdown continues. The infection rate continues. The death toll continues.

Before you continue, I do not have anything remotely constructive to say. Been warned.

I've given up listening to the daily government broadcast. They might as well put a banner up saying "Same message as yesterday followed by the same stupid journalists questions"

Looking at the facts and figures, published daily, it seems a reasonable assumption that the pandemic is ongoing ergo, it's not going away any time soon ergo, the stipulations in place are not going away any time soon.

The more I think about the news and the repetitiveness of it, the more fatigued it makes me. See you here next week for an update ... repeat repeat repeat

I wonder if any of my online poker accounts still work ....

pleasant dreams

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