welcome back
Pretty sure I've banged on about the cons of rural life before but I just thought I 'd mention it again in passing, cough cough.
Just finished my first week at another new job. The second job in as many months, lol.Neither job is pretty and neither job prettily paid, sigh. I know, it's my location.
There is not much call for academia round these here parts.
Cleaner, driver, factory, farmhand are all in demand .... especially if English is NOT your first language. You are of course paid and treated accordingly, sigh.
The fact that the second largest county in Englandshire does NOT have a motorway passing through it speaks volumes about what the rest of the country thinks of the place !
So I've made myself a promise. If, whilst playing poker, I can match the wishy washy wages I currently earn in the real world, then I'm going to leave my latest job and go and stack the shelves at the local co-op and make up the difference at the virtual felt !!
Trust me, it's not as far fetched as it might seem at first glance. I actually have a shot at this as I am currently on backshift, at least until the end of the year. Assumption: I last in this job until the end of the year. I know me and that is a huge fucking assumption, sigh. This gives me 5 mornings a week when I'm all on my own at home.
The catch ? Getting to bed at a decent hour so that I get up early enough to put in some decent volume at the felt. I know me and that is a huge fucking catch, sigh.
No doubt I'll be back in a week, or a month, or four, to tell you how many jobs I've gone through in the preceding months !!
pleasant dreams