Friday 1 March 2013

one small step ....

welcome back

post session EDIT - 550 hands, $5 tables were breakeven affairs, not bad considering the amount of randoms playing any four cards, lol. Hard to put these guys on hands -)) the three $10 tables were a lesson in ball breaking card dead frustration, standard I guess for such short sessions -((

New month and I've started to implement small lifestyle changes. Too late to save February obv but gotta start somewhere.
February graph is posted below. First three weeks were acceptable but the arse fell out of it towards the end of the month. I'm fairly sure I know exactly what those leaks were, ugh.
Nothing else for it but to get back in the fucking saddle.

Since everyone has gone to bed early, I'm putting in a small session tonight. Somewhere North of 500 hands I hope. Time to play with the drunks and not as a drunk -))

pleasant dreams

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