Wednesday 16 May 2007


Welcome back, gentle reader.

and how, prey tell, do I follow up my opening post ? It was, after all,

so simple
so elegant
so powerfull

I have a few ideas but let us not get ahead of ourselves. Shall we start, together, at the start ?

I think this will be a ... journal ? ... of my passage through the online poker world, a dangerous world indeed. So full of sharkks and donkeys but which are the most dangerous ?
I think this will be a ... journal ? ... of my passage through This Life, a dangerous world indeed. So full of bad people and good people but which are the most dangerous ?

You are more than welcome to accompany me as I navigate my way through the real world and through the virtual world but be warned, I will oft shoot off on a tangent and unlike a good comedian, I may not return to complete my original point. If this should should occur you are more than welcome to point out my error and ask just what the hell was the point .
This may be a very short journey or like the Ancient Mariner it may be a long and winding path we tread, you and I, gentle reader ... or like the Ancient Mariner it may be a long and winding path I tread, alone.

Now, most of these posts will be wysiwyg ... off the cuff ... unrehearsed ... unedited ... hence the tangential warning and perhaps a lost point or two. That is just the way I travel.

and so the journey begins or indeed, has already began, without my even really noticing.

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